Interpreting Physician Executive Summary
What is the Interpreting Physician Executive Summary?
The Interpreting Physician Executive Summary provides each physician at a facility with their own Mammography Medical Outcome Audit (MMOA) to determine if they meet performance benchmark standards. This summary also provides the overall facility’s performance measures so that the physician can see how they are performing compared to the overall facility’s performance.
What are some examples of things you will receive in Mammologix’s Interpreting Physician Executive Summary?
Some things the facility will receive in the Interpreting Physician Executive Summary include:
- % Recall (Group/Individual)
- Cancer Outcomes Reported for Screening and Diagnostic Mammograms: Initial Visit (Group/Individual)
- Positive Predictive Value 2 (Overall, Initial Reader, 2nd Reader, 3rd Reader)
- Sensitivity (Overall, Initial Reader, 2nd Reader, 3rd Reader)
- Specificity (Overall, Initial Reader, 2nd Reader, 3rd Reader)
- Reported Outcomes as Initial, 2nd, and 3rd Reader
Many measures are reported in this summary, so these are just a few examples.
Why is the Interpreting Physician Executive Summary important?
The Interpreting Physician Executive Summary is important for interpreting physicians for several reasons. These summaries can help interpreting physicians determine whether they are meeting performance benchmarks according to national standards. Additionally, interpreting physicians can compare their performance measures to those of the overall group to determine whether they are performing at the same level as the average physician at the same facility.