Individual & Group Count
What is an Individual Count in Mammologix's Medical Audit?
These counts measure physician performance on the individual level. Different measures represented in these sections include sensitivity, specificity, and reported outcomes. Individual counts are provided in the Interpreting Physician Executive Summary.
What is a Group Count in Mammologix's Medical Audit?
Group counts measure the overall performance of all physicians at a facility. Measures represented in these sections include initial mammograms asymptomatic/diagnostic, % recall, and cancer outcomes reported.
Why are individual counts important?
According to the FDA, individual counts are important because they allow facilities to "identify interpreting physicians who have results that are very different from the aggregate" (U.S. Food & Drug Administration Policy Guidance Help System, 2017).
Why are group counts important?
Group counts are important because they allow facilities to measure overall performance on many measures. The facility receiving the audit can compare its performance to the benchmarks set by the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium, allowing it to see where it needs to improve.
U.S. Food & Drug Administration Policy Guidance Help System. (2017, Oct. 11). Why Is The Data Analyzed For The Aggregate And Then For Each Interpreting Physician? AccessData.