Interpreting Physician

What is an Interpreting Physician? 

An interpreting physician is a doctor who performs mammography interpretation. In other words, this physician is responsible for reviewing mammogram images to determine if the patient has any breast abnormalities. 

What are the qualifications to become an Interpreting Physician? 

The FDA’s MQSA outlines the requirements to be an Interpreting Physician as follows: 

“(1) Interpreting physicians. All physicians interpreting mammograms shall meet the following qualifications: Initial qualifications. Unless the exemption in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(A) of this section applies, before beginning to interpret mammograms independently, the interpreting physician shall: 

(A) Be licensed to practice medicine in a State;

(B) (1) Be certified in an appropriate specialty area by a body determined by FDA to have procedures and requirements adequate to ensure that physicians certified by the body are competent to interpret radiological procedures, including mammography; or 

(2) Have had at least 3 months of documented formal training in the interpretation of mammograms and in topics related to mammography. The training shall include instruction in radiation physics, including radiation physics specific to mammography, radiation effects, and radiation protection. The mammographic interpretation component shall be under the direct supervision of a physician who meets the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section;

(C) Have a minimum of 60 hours of documented medical education in mammography, which shall include: Instruction in the interpretation of mammograms and education in basic breast anatomy, pathology, physiology, technical aspects of mammography, and quality assurance and quality control in mammography. All 60 of these hours shall be category I and at least 15 of the category I hours shall have been acquired within the 3 years immediately prior to the date that the physician qualifies as an interpreting physician. Hours spent in residency specifically devoted to mammography will be considered as equivalent to Category I continuing medical education credits and will be accepted if documented in writing by the appropriate representative of the training institution; and

(D) Unless the exemption in paragraph (a)(1)(iii)(B) of this section applies, have interpreted or multi-read at least 240 mammographic examinations within the 6-month period immediately prior to the date that the physician qualifies as an interpreting physician. This interpretation or multi-reading shall be under the direct supervision of an interpreting physician” (U.S. Food & Drug Administration).

What are the types of Interpreting Physicians in mammography audits?  

Two types of Interpreting Physicians are listed in the mammography audit: 1) Primary Interpreting Physician and 2) Secondary Interpreting Physician. The Primary Interpreting Physician is the first to read and interpret the imaging series. A Secondary Interpreting Physician is brought in to give another opinion on the imaging series if needed. 


U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (n.d.). Mammography Quality Standards Act Regulations. FDA.

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