Biopsy Yield

What is the definition of "Biopsy Yield"? 

For the Mammologix Medical Audit, biopsy yields involve total counts and descriptions of patients with biopsies that have yielded malignant, benign, or unspecified results. Biopsy yields are similar to a volume measure, providing a count of individuals within the related biopsy category. However, biopsy yields also give detailed information about the patient records that pertains to patient demographics, as well as pertinent case information relating to mammography and biopsy results. 

What information about a patient is in a facility's Mammologix's Medical Audit in the Biopsy Yield fields? 

The following information is included for each patient in the Biopsy Yield section of Mammologix's Medical Audit:

  • ID number
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Initial Exam Date
  • Initial Reason for Breast Imaging Procedure
  • Final Imaging Assessment

In addition, Biopsy Yield reports the biopsy date and details the primary pathological findings reported. If subsequent biopsy procedures are performed in association with reaching a final diagnosis, pathological findings reported are included.

What information related to Biopsy Yield is given in Mammologix's Medical Audit for facilities? 

Mammologix provides several data points in regards to biopsy yield, including: 

  • Biopsy Yield: Malignant - Provides a detailed account of each patient identified as having an interventional breast procedure and a subsequent pathological finding of "malignant."
  • Biopsy Yield: Benign - Provides a detailed account of each patient identified as having an interventional breast procedure, with a subsequent pathological finding of "benign."
  • Biopsy Yield: Unspecified - Provides a detailed account of each patient identified as having an interventional breast procedure, with a subsequent pathological finding of "unspecified."
  • Biopsy Yield: Total - Provides a detailed accounting of each patient identified as having an interventional breast procedure, with a subsequent pathological finding of "malignant," "benign," or "unspecified."

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