About These Reports


The Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) was enacted to ensure mammography facilities comply with minimum Federal standards for safe, high-quality mammography services. Continuous quality improvement recognizes the significance of evaluating the cumulative effects of activities adopted to elevate the accuracy of interpretations, appropriateness, and effectiveness of care by the mammography facility. Specifically, MQSA requires establishing quality standards, including quality assurance using a mammography facility practice audit.
Mammologix prescribes to the concept of SURVEILLANCE, which utilizes ongoing scrutiny of the mammography practice using methods distinguished by their practicability, uniformity, and rapidity. This results in a dynamic reporting process incorporating the most current information made available when the report is prepared.
Since outcome results within the reports are based on the last information made available, reported outcome results of True Negative, True Positive, and False Positive should be considered estimated (eTN, eTP, & eFP) until evidence is supplied to a contrary outcome. False negative outcome results are estimated (eFN) only after conclusive evidence - tissue sampling - reflects an outcome contrary to the negative imaging assessment.
Care should be taken when attempting to correlate a facility's results with others, including published information attained by mammography/breast imaging experts. Variations in the methodology used to collect, compile, and report data may yield differences in results between audits created for investigational research and those obtained within a clinical practice setting.
The entire team at Mammologix, powered by I/O Trak, strives to provide the highest degree of quality for each of the services performed for its client. However, we realize our clients are the final inspectors. Please carefully review the information contained within the reports for its accuracy. 
If you have any questions, contact a Mammologix Client Support representative.
Telephone: (800) 739-6919 | eMail: connect@mammologix.com

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