About Density on Biopsies Without Additional Mammogram Information


When a report is being dictated by the film reader from a biopsy, and they mention the patient having a post-biopsy mammogram for marker placement, but there is no additional report for the mammogram, does that biopsy report need a breast density on it? Several clients report this way, and we want to ensure we are telling them the correct information.  

We do not have any access to their billing, so we are unsure if the mammogram is billed separately or with the biopsy. 

We understand that when we receive an additional mammogram report, it is to have the breast density.  


Under MQSA regulations, if the post-procedure mammogram is logged, reported, and charged as an independent examination, separate from the interventional procedure that precedes it, then the mammogram is subject to all MQSA quality standard requirements. This would include the requirement to be interpreted by a MQSA qualified interpreting physician, preparing a written report of the examination, which, as of September 10, 2024, must include a federal breast density assessment statement, providing that report to the referring healthcare provider, and communicating the examination results in a summary written in lay language to the patient, which, as of September 10, 2024,  must include a federal breast density notification statement. 

Facilities have the option of issuing a combined report of the biopsy procedure and the post-procedure mammogram; however, since the report includes the mammogram, it must meet all the MQSA reporting requirements, including a single overall assessment of findings and, as of September 10, 2024, an overall assessment of breast density.

All information in this answer and all others are sourced from the MQSA Hotline at +1 (800) 838-7715. For other questions, contact Mammologix or the MQSA Program directly!

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