Unspecified Finding

What is an unspecified finding? 

A finding reported as "unspecified" typically means that no definitive diagnosis of cancer (or a specific type of cancer) can be made. Biopsy results may receive an "unspecified" qualification if there is insufficient information to make a specific diagnosis. If information is received that allows for more accurate findings, the diagnostic results can be changed from "unspecified" to a more appropriate diagnosis. 

Where are outcomes relating to unspecified findings in Mammologix's Medical Outcomes Audit? 

Outcomes that include unspecified findings in Mammologix's Medical Outcomes Audit are: 

  • Biopsy Yield—Unspecified: Provides a detailed accounting of each patient identified as having an interventional breast procedure with a subsequent pathological finding being reported as UNSPECIFIED. This listing incorporates all patients with an interventional procedure reported without regard to an association with a previous breast imaging procedure performed at the facility.
  • Biopsy Yield—Total: This provides a detailed accounting of each patient identified as having an interventional breast procedure with a subsequent pathological finding reported as MALIGNANT, BENIGN, OR UNSPECIFIED. This listing incorporates all patients with an interventional procedure reported without regard to an association with a previous breast imaging procedure performed at the facility.


Nicoletti, B. (2024, April 22). Diagnosis Coding for Biopsy Sent for Pathology. CodingIntel. https://codingintel.com/diagnosis-coding-for-biopsy-sent-for-pathology 

American Medical Association. (2016). Improving your ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding. AMA-ASSN. https://www.ama-assn.org/media/7566/download

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