Follow-Up Period

What is a “Follow-Up Period” in mammography? 

A follow-up period is the span of time between an initial imaging procedure and a subsequent imaging procedure. It is designed to monitor any changes in your breast health and ensure early detection of any potential issues.

What is an early follow-up period? 

An early or short interval follow-up occurs when an individual is asked to come in for additional imaging due to an abnormal finding. This follow-up period, which is crucial for early detection and effective treatment, is shorter than the typical one-year follow-up period. 

How long is the typical follow-up period after a mammogram with abnormal findings? 

Typically, the recommended follow-up period is around 6 months, but this may vary on a case-by-case basis. 

How long is the typical follow-up period after a mammogram with no abnormal findings? 

After a clear mammogram, individuals are typically recommended for follow-up to continue with their annual screening mammograms. 


Bowles, E. J., Sickles, E. A., Miglioretti, D. L., Carney, P. A., & Elmore, J. G. (2010). Recommendation for Short-Interval Follow-Up Examinations After a Probably Benign Assessment: Is Clinical Practice Consistent with BI-RADS Guidance? AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology, 194(4), 1152–1159.

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